Ayurchem Products was established by Mr Mulraj Vador alias Chandrakant Bhanushali in the year 1976. It started with manufacturing of extracts of medicinal plants and Phytochemicals. Keeping in view the expertise & technology to manufacture Ayurvedic medicines, from 1985 onwards the company-started manufacturing ayurvedic products, which gained very good fame in the local market and thus the formulations of many Ayurvedic medicines came in to existence.
Having State-of-the Art GMP manufacturing plant located in the outskirts of Mumbai (Dombivli). Ayurchem Products is a self sufficient with in-house extraction and formulation unit for manufacturing of all types of dosage forms including asav-aristhas, Ras-rasayan kalpas, gugulkalpas, parpati and many more. Ayurchem Products comprises of a highly qualified and experienced team for production and quality control of Ayurvedic medicines. Every care is being taken while finalizing the formulation in the correct therapeutic dosage.
Quality Management System
The company’s aim is to produce drugs, which comply with requisite regulatory and in-house norms and fit for the intended use. Quality is the key word within the organization (for employees) and outside the organization (for suppliers / distributors as well as for loan licensees). Quality is achieved through participation, commitment and dedication of the employees. The senior management is directly involved in maintaining the quality.Over a period of 35 year experience it was found that the efficacy of an ayurvedic medicine depends upon major three factors
- Authentic raw material
- Correct methods of processing
- Right dosage concentration

To achieve the above philosophy following are some of the practices / systems followed by the company
- The raw material and packing material have stringent in-house specifications as desired for the product and its use
- The finished products are released according to the standards having stringent limits
- A well-defined training plan and orientation for the employees