Ayurchem Products comprises of a highly qualified and experienced team for production and quality control of Ayurvedic medicines. Every care is taken right from procurement of authentic raw material still finished product. Ayurchem Products is a self sufficient with in-house extraction and formulation unit for manufacturing of standardized products. It has State- of- the –Art GMP manufacturing plant to produce various dosage forms like Syrup, Asav-Arishta, Ghan, Tablets, Capsules, Medicated oil, Ointment, Cream and Gel.
Ayurvedic medicines require a good skill along with a good technology to manufacture it from crude drugs to a well defined dosage forms like syrup, capsules, tablets, creams, ointment, liniment. Ayurchem Products has state-of-the-art GMP manufacturing unit complying with the state FDA norms and regulations. All the machineries have been specially designed and fabricated keeping in view about Ayurvedic principles. Regular training of GMP is been given to the people to understand the importance of the process and sampling at each stage. Huge manufacturing capacity enables us to deliver standardized products on time.
Following is the flow chart of various manufacturing process
Once the identification of the herbal drug is confirmed it is taken for processing. In olden days the herbs were subjected to crushing manually and boiled with water on firewood in mud pots. Keeping the ayurvedic principles intact we use modern machineries to do the above job on large scale, taking in to consideration various parameters set by us to improve upon the quality of product and simultaneously manufacture the product with fixed standards set by us so as to avoid batch to batch variation and give consistency in all batches.
We use indirect heating system i.e steam jacketed vessels to extract the herbal drug in extractor and again concentrate the extract under vacuum to preserve the different constituents of herbal drug. On line testing is done to confirm the proper extraction and concentration process. After passing through this crucial stage of processing of herbal drug, comes the stage of preparation of different dosage form like syrup, capsules, tablets, creams, liniments etc.

Quality Control (QC)

We at, Ayurchem Products are determined and focused on Quality control and Quality assurance of ayurvedic medicines. We have sophisticated in-house quality control and Microbiological laboratory. Every care is been taken right from authentication of raw material, processing and assurance of standardized finished products. We are committed to provide you innovative dosage forms through our experience of research and development.
Our Staff is well qualified and trained to do the analysis the crude herbs as per the specifications mentioned in Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India (API). Apart from API we have endless list of Botanical and Analytical books to assess the quality of crude herbs. Various tests are carried out on every herb to assess the quality like Macroscopy, Microscopy, Water soluble extractive, Alcohol soluble extractive, Ash analysis, Thin Layer chromatography and total constituent analysis.
Various tests are carried out during processing of herbs into final product. pH, Specific gravity, Water soluble extractive (TDS) , Thin Layer chromatography and total constituent analysis.
After passing through various in-process controls, finished product is screened thoroughly using stringent parameters.